Register of Deeds
At a Glance

Katie Albosta Kelly
Register of Deeds
111 S. Michigan Avenue
Saginaw, Michigan 48602
Phone: (989) 790-5270
Fax: (989) 790-5278
Office Hours:
8:00 am - 4:45pm (Closed 12pm-1pm through 11/14/22)
Monday - Friday (Excluding Holidays)

The County Register of Deeds is elected to a four year term and is the official keeper of all real property records within the County. The Register of Deeds Office, located in the Courthouse, records real property documents and maintains an index system of those records. The office maintains original plats of all subdivisions and assists local municipalities by furnishing liber and pages, property descriptions, etc.
Our Staff
- Register of Deeds - Katie Albosta Kelly
- Chief Deputy Register of Deeds - Penny Klein
- Account Specialist III - Briana Sharper
- Account Specialist II - Jeanne Olvera
- Office Assistant II - Kristine Smith
- Office Assistant II - Debra Palmreuter
As of January 1, 2018 the Saginaw County Register of Deeds is requesting that Parcel Identification Numbers (PINs) be included on all documents submitted for recording.